We are so excited to unveil our January Hand Camp HEROES nominee, Mia Peters! Our HEROES have been identified and nominated by their fellow campers, or other members of the Hands to Love community for the work they are doing to further the mission and vision of the organization. Hand Camp HEROES all have certain characteristics in common: Heart, Empower, Resilient, Optimistic, Embrace, and Selfless.
Our HEROES review committee reviews each submission to ensure the nominee meets the criteria. Once a month, we will feature a Hand Camp HERO on this page, as well as on our social media and in our newsletter. We are so excited to share the stories of all our HEROES!
Hero’s Name:
Mia Peters
Affiliation with Hands to Love:
Longtime Camper
Nominated By:
Rita Peters

How does Mia exemplify the qualities of Hand Camp HEROES?
Heart – they’re full of it.
Mia always puts her heart first. She’s compassionate and has an uncanny ability to relate to children who are facing difficulties of their own. She especially loves mentoring them or tutoring them or even playing with them. She feels she can relate to their experiences.
Empower – themselves or others.
Mia never wants to hide her left arm which does not have a hand. She proudly accomplishes all her tasks and has never backed away from a challenge. She has been an example of perseverance and commitment to all who watch her. Mia recently opened an online boutique in which she sells her hand made jewelry. All the profits have been donated.
Resilient – they know how to get back up, time after time.
Mia’s daily life is about resilience. Her biggest challenges are doing things physically with one hand. She doesn’t shy away from the challenge and no matter how long it takes her she conquers it. Mia is an avid tennis player and has a mean serve.
Optimistic – they always see the silver lining.
Mia always sees her life as an opportunity to be a better person. Her limb difference doesn’t define her and she sets goals envisioning her future regardless of any potential challenges.
Embrace – anyone and any situation, no matter how challenging.
Mia naturally accepts everyone because she sees the beauty in her uniqueness. Even in circumstances in which Mia lacks familiarity, such as public speaking or agriculture class, she has taken on the challenge and learned to identify another passion.
Selfless – always looking for ways to put others first.
Mia, although still a 13 year old with all the hormones that accompany that, does think of others before herself. She is committed to helping those less fortunate than she is by donating clothes and her time. She also looks forward to being more active with Hands to Love in the future.
An additional note from Rita about Mia:
From Rita: Mia has always held a special place in her heart for Hands to Love. She’s met so many inspiring people and through the exposure she has had to others, Mia has realized that she wants to help children just like her and wants to become an occupational therapist. She derives her inspiration and drive from the many friends she has made and the many volunteers who have shown her how to make a difference.