Camp Registration
Hand Camp is Hands to Love’s annual event that brings children with upper limb differences and their families together to connect, support, learn, and inspire one another while engaging with the H2L Support Network and participating in fun, success-oriented experiences in a camp-like environment.
Hand Camp 2025
Hand Camp 2025 will be held on April 4th-6th with Teen Retreat taking place on April 3rd-April 4th. Dates for Hand Camp 2026 will be announced in the summer of 2025.
Hand Camp is held at Keystone Camp and Conference Center in Starke, Florida, each spring. Registration for families is CLOSED and will be reopened in the fall prior to the next Hand Camp. Each family with a child with an upper limb difference is welcome to bring up to 6 immediate family members* (including the child with an upper limb difference).
There is a $50 Registration Fee per person. In addition to registration, this fee covers Hand Camp, lodging, meals, and more. Happy Campers, 0-3 years old, are free.
Hands to Love recognizes that this fee can impose a hardship on some family’s finances therefore scholarships for registration and travel are available upon request prior to registering.
If you have additional questions, please contact us.
*Immediate family members are generally family members living in the home with the child.

Hands to Love’s COVID-19 Policy
What Our Campers Have to Say
“What makes Hand Camp special for me and my family? Well, that’s easy. For my family, Hand Camp is not just a camp that we go to every year for kids with hand differences. It is an Annual Family Reunion consisting of patients, doctors, therapist, families and everyone involved in the process of making it all happen. Hand Camp has become part of our lives. A place where we have seen our children grow from babies to adults. A place where our family expands as we welcome new friends. A place where we can be one in the same. We love Hand Camp! We are Hand Camp!”
“I have always treasured Jackie’s words after being at her first hand camp…”Camp is a place where people look for your differences not at them”
“I will never forget the very first hand camp – Luke was only 7 and had never seen anyone else like him. We had the good fortune of bunking with another family whose son had the same exact rare condition as Luke, which was a unique and incomparable experience for Luke and our family. The camp director, Tony Oyenarte only had 4 fingers on one of his hands, just like Luke. Luke looked at him and said…”look mom, he has 4 fingers, just like me!” He and Tony spent the rest of the weekend, and for many years to come, “high fouring”!